spin off


1 حسابداری و مالی:: شرکت زایشی (Spin-Off)

A second source of ideas is spin-offs. A spin-off is the public listing of a company that was previously part of another listed company. The spin-off process generally starts with a distribution of shares in the newly independent entity to the old parent's shareholders in the form of a dividend. When their spin-off shares start trading, they may sell them automatically. It may have been received in a spin-off.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general::   noun ADJ. positive, valuable | unexpected | commercial PREP. ~ from

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

2 general:: Derive or produce from something else, especially a small part from a larger whole. For example, The corporation decided to spin off the automobile parts division, or Her column was spun off from her book on this subject. The expression transfers the throwing off by centrifugal force, as in spinning, to other enterprises. [Mid-1900s]

American Heritage Idioms

3 general:: Phrase(s): spin something off 1. Lit. [for something rotating] to release a part that flies away. • The propeller spun one of its blades off and then fell apart all together. • It spun off one of its blades. 2. Fig. [for a business] to divest itself of one of its subparts. • The large company spun one of its smaller divisions off. • It spun off a subsidiary and used the cash to pay down its debt. 3. Fig. [for an enterprise] to produce useful or profitable side effects or products. • We will be able to spin off a number of additional products. • The development of this product will allow us to spin off dozens of smaller, innovative products for years to come., Phrase(s): spin off [for something] to part and fly away from something that is spinning; [for something] to detach or break loose from something. • The blade of the lawn mower spun off, but fortunately no one was injured. • The rustedon nut spun off easily after I got it loosened.

McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs

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